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Effects of Different Mulching Materials on Soil Moisture and Heat Status, Growth of Mung Bean in Arid Region of Northern Shaanxi
中文关键词:  地膜  绿豆;陕北旱区;不同颜色  厚度材质地膜覆膜;产量
英文关键词:Mung bean  Northern Shaanxi arid region  Different color  Thick material mulching film  Yield[HJ]
张培培,刘娇娇,高 峰,罗璟铎,张 雄,王 雯 (1.榆林学院 生命科学学院陕西 榆林 7190002.榆林市横山区农业技术推广中心陕西 榆林 719000) 
摘要点击次数: 88
全文下载次数: 100
      为筛选适宜陕北旱区绿豆高产、高效的覆膜栽培方式,试验设置9种覆膜处理:0.012 mm黑色普通地膜覆盖(BP1),0.010 mm黑色普通地膜覆盖(BP2),0.008 mm黑色普通地膜覆盖(BP3),0.008 mm黑色渗水可降解地膜覆盖(BD),0.012 mm白色普通地膜覆盖(WP1),0.010 mm白色普通地膜覆盖(WP2),0.008 mm白色普通地膜覆盖(WP3),0.008 mm白色渗水可降解地膜覆盖(WD),露地(CK),研究不同覆膜处理对土壤水热状况、农艺性状、以及绿豆产量指标的影响。结果表明:在绿豆成熟期,CK、WD1处理土壤含水量显著低于除WD外其它处理0.30%~4.22%,各覆膜处理间0~20 cm土壤平均温度均高于CK处理0.59~2.56 ℃,株高较CK高1.99%~7.09%。所有覆膜处理绿豆产量均显著高于CK,其中WP2产量最高,较CK处理高387.47%,并且WP2单株荚数、单荚粒数最高,因此,建议在绿豆生产中推广使用厚度0.010 mm的白色地膜。
      To screen suitable high-yield and high-efficiency mulching cultivation methods for mung bean cultivation in the arid regions of northern Shaanxi, nine mulching treatments were set up: 0.012 mm black common mulch cover (BP1), 0.010 mm black common mulch cover (BP2), 0.008 mm black common mulch cover (BP3), 0.008 mm black water-permeable degradable mulch cover (BD), 0.012 mm white common mulch cover (WP1), 0.010 mm white mulching film (WP2), 0.008 mm white common mulching film (WP3), 0.008 mm white water-permeable degradable mulching film (WD), with an open field as control (CK). The effects of these treatments on soil hydrothermal status, agronomic traits, and mung bean yield were investigated.The results showed that at the mature stage of mung beans, the soil water content of CK and WD treatments was significantly lower than that of other treatments except for WD by 0.30%~4.22%. The average soil temperature in the 0~20 cm layer of each mulching treatment was 0.59~2.56°C higher than that of CK. Plant height increased by 1.99%~7.09% compared to CK. All mulching treatments significantly increased mung bean yield compared to CK, with WP2 showing the highest yield, 387.47% greater than CK. WP2 also had the highest number of pods per plant and grains per pod. Therefore, it is recommended to promote the use of white mulching film with a thickness of 0.010 mm in mung bean production.
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