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Effect of Soil Moisture on Strawberry Growth and Development
中文关键词:  草莓  土壤水分  产量  品质
英文关键词:Strawberry  Soil moisture  Yield  Quality
张净雯,郑梦娇 (1.成都市气象局四川 成都 6111302.成都信息工程大学四川 成都 610225) 
摘要点击次数: 83
全文下载次数: 118
      The effects of soil moisture on the growth and yield of strawberry were studied through a zonal control experiment during flowering and fruiting stages of strawberry. The soil moisture at flowering stage had little effect on strawberry plant growth, while higher soil moisture at flowering and fruiting stage improved growth growth. Wet soil was more conducive to strawberry flowering and fruit ripening. The contents of total phenol, titrable acid, total flavone and soluble solid in strawberry fruit decreased with the increase of soil moisture. In contrast, ascorbic acid, fruit weight, transverse diameter and longitudinal diameter all increased with the increase of soil moisture. The sugar-acid ratio and fruit hardness had no significant relationship with soil moisture. Considering the quality and yield of strawberry fruit and water consumption, the highst yield was achieved when the soil relative humidity was maintained at 80% during fruiting period.
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