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不同浓度华碘抗胁迫生态膜对免套袋苹果叶片和果实性状 及栽培效果的影响
Effects of Different Concentrations of Iodine-Resistant Ecological Membranes on Leaf and Fruit Characteristics of Non-bagged Apples and Their Cultivation Effectiveness
中文关键词:  免套袋苹果  不同浓度  华碘抗胁迫生态膜  病虫害防控  叶片性状  果实性状  栽培效果  试验影响
英文关键词:Non-baggled apples  Different concentrations  Iodine-resistant ecological membranes  Disease and pest prevention  Leaf traits  Fruit traits  Cultivation effect  Experimental Impact
郑永全,马永胜,刘红宜,杨忠选,马永康,郭海洋,孙广平,刘晓燕 (延安市果业研究发展中心 陕西 洛川 727400) 
摘要点击次数: 104
全文下载次数: 115
      In the experiment, 20% Hua-iodine anti-stress ecological membranes were selected, and the comparative test of the disease and pest prevention effect of apply to different concentrations of Hua-iodine anti-stress ecological membranes were carried out in Qiaohua non-baggled apples. The results showed that the 20% Hua-iodine anti-stress ecological membranes had little difference on apple fruit surface protection, fruit surface coloring and light energy membranes, moreover it had strong of disease and pest prevention ability, and had more significant effects on enhance of apple tree's resistance to disease and pest, promoting growth and improved the internal quality of apple fruit. However, when the concentration is too high, it will affect the photosynthesis of apple leaves and apple fruit appearance quality to a certain extent, and will make apple lose its commodity property.
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