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Occurrence and Damage of Pest Mites on Lycium ruthenicum.
中文关键词:  白枸杞瘤瘿螨  黑果枸杞  发生规律  生物学特性
英文关键词:Aceria pallida  Lycium ruthenicum.  Occurrence regularity  Biological characteristics
盛 强,黄 伟,李粉莲,叶远荣,蔡恩格力,张春竹 (1.新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州农业科学研究院新疆 库尔勒 8410002.北京中捷四方生物科技股份有限公司北京 101102) 
摘要点击次数: 710
全文下载次数: 210
      采用室内观察及田间调查相结合的方法,明确危害黑果枸杞的瘿螨种类,掌握田间发生规律及生物学特性,为综合防控瘿螨危害提供科学依据。结果表明:白枸杞瘤瘿螨 Aceria pallida是危害新疆黑果枸杞的重要害虫,为害黑果枸杞的叶片、花蕾、花柄、果实、嫩茎及刺。4月上中旬开始危害,5月下旬至6月中旬形成第一次危害高峰期,10月下旬停止危害。一年发生多代,世代重叠严重,以雌成螨越冬,越冬场所主要在受害黑果枸杞植株老虫瘿内。
      Combining indoor observation with field investigation, the species of gall mites were identified to find its occurrence regularity and biological characteristics, so as to provide a scientific basis for comprehensive prevention and control of the gall mite. The results showed that Aceria pallida seriously affected the growth of the lycium ruthenicum,and did harm to the leaf, flower, flower stalk, fruit, tender bine and thorns.Its harm began in early and middle April , reached peak from late May to middle June , and stopped in late October.Many generations multiplied in a year , and there were serious generations overlape, the female adult mites overwintered, the overwintering sites were mainly in the old galls of Lycium ruthenicum.
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