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Grafting Technology of Grape Plantlets in Vitro
中文关键词:  葡萄  试管  嫁接  成活率
英文关键词:Grape plantlets  Vitro  Grafting  Survival rate
王红力,文颖强 (西北农林科技大学 园艺学院陕西 杨凌 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 629
全文下载次数: 469
      通过试验建立起一套适用于葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)试管嫁接的方法。以‘无核白’‘里扎马特’等品种为前期试验材料,通过设置不同的嫁接组合类型进行对比,筛选出成活率最高、最实用的试管嫁接方式以用于其它材料的保存和改良。试管嫁接时选用生长健壮的砧木是首要条件,在此基础上采用“砧木无叶,接穗留叶”的方式能提高嫁接成活率并保证操作效率;锡箔纸具有很好的可塑性,采用锡箔纸对接口进行处理,不仅更加简便,而且更加牢固。在此基础上熟练掌握嫁接技术与组培技能,能大大提高嫁接的成活率。
      A set of vitro grafting method for grape (Vitis vinifera L.) plantlets was established. The cultivars such as ‘Thompson Seedless’ and ‘Rizamat’ were used as preliminary materials. Different grafting combination types were set up to compare,the most practical vitro grafting method with the highest survival rate was screened out for the preservation and improvement of other materials. In the process of vitro grafting, the primary condition was to select the stock with strong growth. On this basis, the method of "rootstock without leaves and scion with leaves" could improve the survival rate of grafting and could ensure the operation efficiency. The use of tin foil for interface processing was not only more simple, but also more solid because the tin foil paper had good plasticity. So mastering of the grafting technology and tissue culture skills can greatly improve the survival rate of grafting. ;
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